Let me introduce myself first.
My name is Francesco C. I’m Italian
and I’ve used the nickname Uncle Hack LOOOONG before hacks, lifehacking, biohacking were “cool”.
I think you can understand a lot from a person knowing what he does
so I would like to share a little part of my personal journal,
I take a weekly log of all my practices and I think that they are quite important to know how I behave and how I try new things and habits.
This is the way I became who I am,
this is the way I will become who I will be.
The diary is “incomplete” so I omitted all the “private” parts regarding my personal love life
(I value my privacy deeply)
I have some daily practice that are Well Formed HABITS for me like:
- cleaning my tongue every morning
- drinking something: taoist tonic herbs tea, water and lemon, water…
- meditating twice a day (I use the Muse Headband)
- doing at least one hour of focused work in the morning
- having at leas a superfood smoothie a day
- training: HIIT, crossfit, Z-Health
- doing a simple Hatha sequence from Satchidananda’s Integral Yoga
- cooking healthy food with low carbs
- using numerous health tracking stuff: Oura ring, Spire, DNAfit,…
- other spiritual practices that I keep private
- and many other stuff
Since these are already “in my system” / automatic I do not write them down
Journal of a LifeHacker weeks 20-21 – When the cat’s away the mice will play + Even when I go slow I notice that I go really fast 😉
Some health issues in the family
my mother is in the hospital
so I had to slow down practices (Neurofeedback, Hatha Yoga)
and I had to “refocus” on housework and cleaning and complete reorganization of the house (kitchen in particular) with my assistant
because of the 2 daily visits in the hospital: one for talking with doctors
(I noticed the perfection of manifesting when I meet them on the stairs “by chance”) and one for her to walk every evening
At the end of the second week she had a surgery (nothing serious and she is well)
I made the HNA77 Hatha Yoga.
I made the HNA DL 48m Neurofeedback
I made the 3 HNA DL
Disciplines (on 7+7 days)
7 + 5 Productivity work on at least one task in the morning
4 + 6 No sugar
7 + 7 SuperShakes always different
4 + 3 Hatha Yoga
5 + 5 Fitness
3×10 pullups + bench 75Kg + Swing 21Kg
Purchased items
SHOWER PUMP 12V for Camping Blue brunner (we renewed the company truck as a camper van, really cool)
Natural Factors, WomenSense, AdrenaSense, Adrenal Formula, 120 Veggie Caps
XYLITOL Natural Sugar Alternatives | Birch | Certified Non-GMO (UK BRAND)
Green Bay Fine Organic Kelp Powder 100g
LITHIUM Orotate 5MG x60 Veg Capsules, SWANSON
New kitchen and various facilities
The Oura Ring arrived, I will let you know how I get on
Explode Your Testosterone: I start today this protocol of Taoist herbs (250 Euro), if they work I will publish the HNA DL with the “hacking” on how to it easily and with saving money
rechargeable night reading light with dual LED
We found a farm with products (cheese, eggs) near my town and a very “healthy” bakery (really expensive)
We are “cleaning up” our nutrition with a really good water source (Bognanco), they deliver us that water in glass bottles
Experiment of the week
I continued the daily practice of Taoist 108 massages of the testicles
I kept the daily practice of the LaCrosse ball on the perineum while I drive and when I meditate
Lessons learned
Remember that, unless you have a good relationship with your mother,
(which means to “serve” and to have open and HONEST communication with her)
you can forget any kind of “spiritual evolution”.
Material Seen / Listened / Read
Brendon Burchard – 10 human drives, really sophisticated, better than Robbins, soon in HNA DL
BC2015 Harris (the one of holosync) one hour of mostly marketing very little practical use
Finished the 4 week of Burchard on persuasion, influence and leadership. Really interesting. I will put them on the HNA De Luss
YouTube How to read a book a day: just a couple of interesting ideas: set one hour with the timer and set it as a goal, but personally I do not waste time “reading” all books, I study just the books that I want to study
Read: Stephen Larsen his second book on the modern NFB with my new night reading light (maybe it can become a practice, but I need some orange or red light because it is too white and inhibits melatonin)
Hypnotica lifestyle: motivating, definitely better than many other
Recent interview of Alex Vartman: I have not detected anything applicable, but it is definitely a very charismatic person
Brendon Burchard Achievement Accelerator week 5 (the last): seems to be the best, great tips on managing problems and learning (follow on HNA De Luss)
I read Hyper Sex a book of sexual hypnosis applications from Gibson, the creator of hyperempiria (which is very similar to Jerry Kein’s Ultra Height)
Relaxations and meditations
7 + 7 more than 180min every week of Muse
4 + 3 NFB (Neurofeedback) finished the second and the third lap and I started the quarter of the second personalized plan of my “brain training” TLC
I made several RSA breaths when the Spire vibrated
Automatic morning evaluations with the Oura Ring (which tells me that if I keep going like this I will “die” :-D)
Journal of a LifeHacker week 19 The Challenges of Life
REALLY really intense week ended with my mom in hospital
(Nothing serious she is fine, even if we are taking the opportunity
to make her a complete health checkup, as she listen little on several important aspects of her health
(even if she takes supplements that keep her discreetly,
but she can do a lot more)
and to “update” her house equipment (thing that you can not do with her around )
At the end of the week I discovered a new type of NeuroFeedback, the LENS from Len Ochs that is supposed to make results in FEW MINUTES and few sessions!
We are “investigating”!
It can revolutionize the lives of many people!
Disciplines (over 7 days)
Work on at least one task 6
7 No sugar
7 SuperShake always different
4 Hatha Yoga
2 Fitness
Weight training: 3 x (10 bench press 60Kg + 21 KB swings)
3 of Taoist sexual techniques and Sexual Kung Fu (Loren Johnson Live Channel 3)
Purchased items
10 tablets of Modafinil to see if it is so “miraculous” as everyone says (I’ve heard about it since 5 years ago)
Doctor’S BEST: Extra Strength Ginkgo Biloba, 120 mg, 120 Veggie Capsules
SWANSON ULTRA Suntheanine L-Theanine 200 mg 200 mg 60 capsules
Red Maca powder 1kg Bio Raw root Premium High Soil Association from Peru
Experiment of the week
Beginning of the daily practice of 108 Taoist testicular massages
Beginning of the practice of daily LaCrosse ball on the perineum while I drive and when I meditate
Lessons learned
As the marines say “In times of difficulty you do not come back to what you think will be your status,
but at the level for which you trained.”
I must also thank my personal collaborator and the many contributors who make my life “manageable”
(You have no idea how many emails, contacts etc … every day, clients or not that would like to have a “personal” relationship with me
that is no longer possible for reasons of numbers)
Material Visa / Listened / bed
John Gray mini video of his YouTube channel on relationshisps, always interesting
Mark Cunningham Talks 24-30: various clips of Mark talking about attitude and the basic lifestyle, interesting, but nothing “remarkable” to give you
Interview Loren Johnson http://rawtantra.com very very interesting because in the past I practiced many of his videos, I will give you soon the best of its practices
David Deida 2016 A-Mans-Deepest-Bliss: his analysis of the masculine and feminine is really deep, as ever he presents with poetry and countless examples
Adam Armstrong – Last Longer in Bed: I never found an author with such CLARITY exposition (and of course the techniques, that I knew and I applied (already work), but there is always something new to learn and apply). I have already recorded the HNA DL on How to last longer in bed 😉
Submission S1E1 TV serie VERY interesting 😉
Book transcribed notes on the NFB Jim Robbins – Symphony of the Brain soon in HNA DL on neurofeedback 😉
Burchard week 3: 1 hour motivational marketing with very little content
Relaxations and meditations
From now on, I started again with the 23 minutes (I begun with 10) Muse Headband EVERY morning
I managed to make just two sessions of the second lap of the second personalized plan of my TLC “brain training” (Neurofeedback)
Various HRV measurements with my Polar H7 and the new app of Sweetbeats (I do not think it’s useful for me)
Last edit:
13 Responses to “Lifehacker’s Secret Personal Journal (excerpt)”
I came across the Uncle Hack website more than ten years ago.
At that time I knew neither him nor his work , but something about one of his product (named VCD) resonated with me, so I bought my first product and started practicing.
I remember clearly a wonderful feeling of calmenss in a stressful situation just after a couple of weeks of practice by listening to the HackRelax.
Over the years, I got to know Uncle Hack through all his products and I think (or rather I am sure) that he is a very pragmatic person.
Research and practice (hands-on experience) are the hallmark of all his work.
Every product contains useful information and techniques, and I know now that they work, but only if I put them into practice (that’s the “difficult” part, and it is always up to us).
What I like about Uncle Hack’s more recent work is the fact that there is a great variety of effective techniques and many audio relax are shorter than ten minutes.
Thanks to shorter techniques I found some ways to practice during breaks at work, and this has improved my daily practice and consistency.
I have my preferred techniques but if I had to name just one I would say “The Gift to the Inner Child”.
Enjoy your practice.
Nicola R. (Italy)
Thanks for sharing.
i am from italy, been following uncle for a long long time, in italy he’s underground but every good italian nlp, persuasion trainer know about him, and most of the time they don’t give him the proper credit.
I think he is a genius in it’s own way, i learned a lot from him and my life changed thanks to what he teach and mostly for his attitudine, very practical and time saving.
No bullshit 🙂 Uncle Hack’s work is the most effective and productive you can find around the world. He proposes the best and most recent studies about self improvement in every area of your life (job, meditation, seduction, sex, physycal activity, food etc.). A lot of exercises to practice immediately to become a better person. Thank you uncle for my achievements even if I will never stop to improve my life 🙂
really fantastic
I can only speak weel of his uncle Hack, is a person available to help and works with passion
What to say . and more than a year I follow the files of his uncle and never jump more than one day his exercises . My life changed and will change to even better thanks to them . Great Uncle Hack
Been a client of UncleHack for ten years at least and back to then i can sincerely say he has -even maybe indirectly trough his courses and teachings- deeply changed my life.
I’m glad of the choiches i’ve made
tanks for sharing! very usefull e interesting. I borrow some tips for my routine….
UNCLE HACK is one of the most skillfull person about NLP, hypnosis, seduction and self-help in the world.
Most of his work focus on exercises not on teory. So if you are a pragmatic guy and you wanna improve your life (how I am doing thanks to UNCLE HACK) by practise and exercises, so Uncle HACK is the right man for you
I know UncleHack’s work since 20+ years,and over this time my esteem and respect for his studies, researches,tests and practical approach has never been disappointed. What I appreciate most is his Straight Forward Methodology, focused just on the results. He has a deep knowledge of everything he mentions and talk/write about and transparently reports to his students/followers the sources of his studies. He is 100% congruity and integrity, which nowadays is not common. He never corrupted his passion with ‘marketing strategies’ in order to greedily cash in as much as he could. This genuineness allows him to be truly independent, and that is reflected in every product he creates (He does not work for free, but when you buy something from him, you could expect real value in what you get). He increased his audience over the time, but for the above mentioned reasons he is not ‘mainstream’ or popular, and frankly that is preferable to me. Having used his products.I know he is the Gold Standard in the topics of his interest, and all the ones who know him, would agree that his ‘Level’ is far beyond what is offered by any other.
The best around !!! I have never experienced so effective methods! I am a customer of Uncle Hack for a year, ever since I passed so many inhibitions and enjoy excellent emotional serenity, but the results come quickly, after only a few weeks, my stress was almost completely gone and I was putting the first bricks for the reconstruction of my personal and interpersonal life. Also at the end (and during) every single exercise led you a chance to earn the most diverse feelings: well-being, relaxation, peace, energy, ecstasy … even come to love yourself a little more;) Thanks Uncle Hack
The best around !!! I have never experienced so effective methods! I am a customer of Uncle Hack for a year, ever since I passed so many inhibitions and enjoy excellent emotional serenity, but the results come quickly, after only a few weeks, my stress was almost completely gone and I was putting the first bricks for the reconstruction of my personal and interpersonal life. Also at the end (and during) every single exercise led you a chance to earn the most diverse feelings: well-being, relaxation, peace, energy, ecstasy … even come to love yourself a little more 😉 Thanks Uncle Hack