My real name is Francesco, I’m from Italy and my training is in engineering: I’m basically a skeptic, so much so I believe to be the reincarnation of Saint Thomas.
I’ve been using the nickname Uncle Hack long before the terms biohacking, lifehacking, hacks were invented.
You can view my Italian website by clicking here.
I’m a “underground” practitioner and trainer of NLP, NLS, EFT, Silva, hypnosis, Yoga, Energy Medicine and Psychology and many other self help disciplines.
I’ve been training people from 1998
and studying and practicing from before 1986.
I do practice NLP, seduction, erotic hypnosis, hypnotherapy and many other arts I noticed that work (at least for me and my clients)
I conducted many NLP “modeling” projects: photography, cooking and therapy.
The most important thing that I did was to start, in 1987,
a continuous practice of meditation,
I also did a bit of “spiritual-shopping”
to form my own opinions about spirituality
I met several gurus and spiritual masters
including (I mention one that I liked…)
Swami Satchidananda, that I met personally in 1991
(he has opened Woodstock in 1969
and he brought the original Indian Hatha Yoga in the Western World)
and I met many others who are still in the body and do not want to be quoted on the web.

Since I started I dedicate at least 3 hours a day
in studying the most different from the best people in the world,
(And no, they are not the most “popular” or “published”)
and I’m happy today to literally “stand on the shoulders of giants”.
In the year 2012 I designed a “project” as my own “personal test” of my hypnotherapy skill and I did take a homeless and alcoholic man literally from the streets
and I changed completely his life in two sessions (the second one was not really needed) using hypnotherapy.
Then I waited for 3 years and half to verify and check the result of the session
and it was really positive, he never went back on drinking
and now he has a job, a place to live and a good life.
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